How to join CPSA

MEMBERSHIP: CPSA membership year runs from November 1 until October 31. You first need to join CPSA, our parent organization, then you can join our Seattle chapter.  THESE TWO SETS OF DUES ARE PAID SEPARATELY. Visit CPSA to join or renew your annual dues.

  • CPSA (the parent entity) is a registered nonprofit corporation—it provides the legal umbrella under which district chapters exist. Working on a broad scale, CPSA provides credibility for the entire organization and colored pencil artists, gains attention for colored pencil art in major art publications, sponsors conventions and exhibitions, conducts lightfastness testing, and encourages manufacturers to produce better products.
  • District chapters are a network of subsidiary entities around the U.S. operating under the umbrella of CPSA (the legal entity). Chapters represent and act as advocates of CPSA, advancing our organization’s mission and goals at the local level, and thereby extend the reach of CPSA—much like college houses of a fraternity. 


ANNUAL DUES TO THE SEATTLE DISTRICT CHAPTER 207 is $20 for one-year or $90 for five-years. The dues are due by October 31; you will be removed from our chapter roster on November 1 if dues are not received. Membership includes the chapter newsletter published every other month, Zoom links to monthly meetings, information about all chapter activities including any non-Zoom meetings, and the opportunity to feature your artwork in the Member Galleries. Use the forms below to pay with PayPal or your credit card. If you would like to send a check, use this form and follow the mailing instructions.

If you need to ask if your five-year membership is up for renewal or have any other questions, contact Treasurer. 

Seattle DC 207 Annual Dues

Seattle DC 207 Chapter Dues (yearly) $20.00
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Seattle DC 207 Chapter Dues (Five-year): $90.00
Sign up or renew for five years and save 10% on dues
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